Shin Elf-San Wa Yaserarenai.
Shin Elf-San Wa Yaserarenai.
The sequel to Elf-san wa Yaserarenai (Plus-Sized Elf), set up as the manga switched publishers from Wani Books to Akita Shonen.You know the drill by now - Naoe is a massage therapist whose life is turned upside down when he starts dealing with girls from another world and their weight issues. But this isn’t called Shin Elf-san for nothing. You’re going to get fully-colored pages due to its digital release, as well as new scenarios involving your favorite chubby elf.Get ready to get down with the thiccness!
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5 - masterpiece
4.5 - almost masterpiece
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2.5 - almost bad
2 - really bad
1.5 - horrible
1 - avoid at all costs