Wcdonald's The Manga
Wcdonald's The Manga
It's an exciting time in the WcDonald's Universe as the Savory Chili WcDonald's Sauce arrives! Whether it's a thrilling race or entering a portal to another world, our heroes will do whatever it takes to savor the mythical sauce to complement their WcNuggets. Follow their adventures with the limited-time sauce as a new story unfolds each week.---**Links:**- (https://www4.mcdonalds.ca/wcdonalds/en/) (Not Region-locked)
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5 - masterpiece
4.5 - almost masterpiece
4 - really good
3.5 - good
3 - normal
2.5 - almost bad
2 - really bad
1.5 - horrible
1 - avoid at all costs
Manga Stats
How the rating works?
You can change the rating by clicking the rating icons!
5 - masterpiece
4.5 - almost masterpiece
4 - really good
3.5 - good
3 - normal
2.5 - almost bad
2 - really bad
1.5 - horrible
1 - avoid at all costs