Mad Daoist Son-In-Law

Mad Daoist Son-In-Law

Mad Daoist Son-In-Law

The Head of the Laoshan Sect was attacked and killed by the Demon King.When he was dying, his soul left his body and returned to the modern world after 300 years, His soul possessed the body of a weak man who eats soft rice. Now, he is determined to avenge himself against the Demon King, while also dealing with his mother-in-law......This new life isn't easy...

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Author: Qianhui Comic (仟绘动漫)
Genres: ActionMartial arts
Views: 483000
Last Updated: 2023-11-29 14:35

Chapter 21: Deep Diving Scavengers

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Chapter 20: Searching With Magic

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Chapter 19: Peaceful Departure

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Chapter 18: Exorcism

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Chapter 17: Protecting Tingting

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Chapter 16: Hallway

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Chapter 15

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Chapter 14

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Chapter 13: In Surgery

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Chapter 12: Shut Up Wench

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Chapter 11: Back To The Hospital

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Chapter 10

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